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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Component of Mini Wood Lathe Machine.

For a basic lathe and also including Mini wood lathe consist of  3 components which is Headstock, tailstock, and tool rest. Here are the function of each parts:

1) Headstock

Consist of the drive train, including the motor, pulleys, belts, and spindle, and for a right handed turner, will be located on the left end of the lathe. Mounted on the end of the headstock facing the tailstock is the spindle and the spur center or for face turning such as bowls and plates, or other flat or face work, the face plate assembly.

2) Tailstocks

Is the free spinning end of the lathe, and has the tailstock spindle and the cup center, as well as a hand-wheel or other feature for clampingor securing the work piece between the lathe centers.

3) Tool Rest

It is similar to a mechanical arm with a metal guide bar to support the chisel or knife used for turning the work piece. It usually can be adjusted by sliding the length of the bed at its base, with an intermediate arm that can swing from a parallel to a perpendicular position in relation to the lathe bed, and the upper arm, which holds the actual tool rest bar. This assembly has as many as three swivel joints, all of which tighten with a setscrew or clamp to keep it secure while turning is in progress.

Although some of the people feel that al the information above seems not important and a lot of them neglected on knowing it because what matter for them is they can produce wood product and that its. But believe me with this information you can know more on the capability of your machine without reading its manual; seriously. Beside that it also can help you in finding or buying  what is the suitable mini wood lathe machine for your project.    

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